A   p a s s i o n   f o r   y o u r   p r o d u c t s
Inspection by vision
2D vision control system

We first check with the camera supplier that the control is possible to integrate the system and accessories: lighting, detection, evacuation... 

Many controls are possible with a 2D camera: a simple control with backlight but also counting with size recognition including aspect control with frontlight.
With main suppliers of vision like Sick and Cognex, we improved control systems removing defective products before and after packaging.

We master 2 technologies:
  • 2D vision control system 
  • 3D vision control system 

 3D vision control system

This technology reengineering a volume with twisted lines completes the 2D vision.

Over the 3D control, this technology gets a great tolerance for ambient lightings and many softwares.